Occasional Reminder: Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts

[You can see this footage in context here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiD9_ICt44 (skip to about 5:03:00) ]

It’s worth remembering that Planned Parenthood kills babies and then sells the body parts.

Planned Parenthood insists that it doesn’t technically gain any profits from these sales, which inspires two responses:

(1) Who cares whether they technically profit or not? Selling baby parts is a particularly ghoulish epilogue to a barbaric practice, and “we sold their innocent, mutilated flesh to research scientists” doesn’t make it any better.

(2) As it happens, Planned Parenthood is demonstrably lying. They absolutely do profit off the sale of baby parts. They scream at the top of their lungs that they don’t (they have to; selling baby parts is illegal). Some outlets dutifully reprint their lies as though it were the last word in the discussion. Nevertheless, Planned Parenthood is demonstrably lying.

Here are the videos proving it: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/cmp/investigative-footage/

You can watch the short “highlight reel” clips or the full multihour unedited videos. The highlight reels are punchier, but the multihour videos are more damning, as the weight of evidence just builds up and up and up.

Planned Parenthood defended itself by claiming the videos were “deceptively edited.” This, too, was a lie. Here is the independent forensic audit by Coalfire Systems (a company with no interest in the matter, commissioned by Alliance Defending Freedom) which proves it: http://www.adfmedia.org/files/CoalfireCMPvideosReport.pdf

Perhaps you prefer wading through documentary evidence? Try the document vault here: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/human-capital/document-vault/

If that doesn’t do it for you, read the report of the United States Congress Select Committee that investigated these allegations: Final Report of the Select Investigative Panel

They produced 15 criminal referrals. Unfortunately, the evidence needed to convict was mostly locked up in states with non-cooperative Attorneys General. We must hope that today’s ongoing investigations eventually yield indictments.

Planned Parenthood sells baby parts, at market prices, and uses the profits to pad its bottom line. As in the Gosnell murders, where pro-choice state regulators turned a blind eye to rampant abuses of mothers and aborted children alike, Planned Parenthood is able to use the political power of the abortion industry to evade legal scrutiny. As the biggest abortion provider in the country, with a body count of 345,672 in 2018, nobody is better positioned to do so.

Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million/year through taxpayer-funded Medicaid. All Democrats currently running for President wish to increase this funding and expand it to include Title X as well.

Happy 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. May it finally be the last.

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